January 12, 2007

Hungry Like the Wolf

News: Idaho governor calls for the eradication of all but 100 of the state's wolf population.

This is a good idea because, as many people don't know, Idaho has an inpenetrable fence surrounding it and due to advancements in satellite technology, wildlife officials can pinpoint individual animals from space.



Unknown said...

Does he want them killed? Or just exported? Weird

Greg said...

Nope. Killed. To the cheers (and I assume shotguns fired in the air) from many a hunter.

Jerry Hinnen said...

Well, Idaho can't afford to have wolves just running around willy-nilly all natural-like, hunting wild animals and stuff.

Greg said...

Seriously. What would Jesus do? Probably go hunt some wolves.

Anonymous said...

I hate to read about officals playing ecological gods. Nature will take care of itself. Wolves feed off the weak, if there are too many they die themselves from illness. If ranchers hae a problem they can protect their land.